Sunday, 15 May 2011

Kopi Kopi Kopi

Contoh kopi brew: Cappucino, iaitu kopi brew + buih susu (milk froth) & susu panas/kukus (steamed milk)  
Kopi, pada pendapat saya, antara minuman yang terbaik & terlazat di dunia. Rasa utama kopi ialah pahit, tapi pahit yang bersulamkan bermacam rasa & aroma yang sungguh menyenangkan. Kopi mengandungi kafein, bahan kimia yang boleh merangsang badan dan minda - selalunya dapat hilangkan mengantuk dan meningkatkan tumpuan/konsentrasi.

Kopi secara umumnya terdapat dalam dua bentuk/jenis: Kopi brew (BM: renih) dan kopi segera (instant). Kopi brew, pada pendapat aku ialah 'kopi sebenar', yang dihasilkan dengan cara biji kopi dikisar, dan kemudian ditemukan dengan air dengan pelbagai cara seperti direndam (french press @ plunger), ditapis (drip/filter), atau dikenakan tekanan (pressurised / espresso method). Hasilnya kopi yang penuh dengan rasa. Kopi segera dihasilkan dengan kopi brew yang di 'freeze-dry', menghasilkan serbuk kopi yang nyah-hidrat (tanpa air). Bila dicampur dengan air, menghasilkan kembali kopi, tapi oleh kerana ia telah melalui proses freeze dry, terdapat kemungkinan sebahagian rasa telah 'hilang'. Walaubagaimanapun, kopi segera sangat mudah untuk disediakan iaitu hanya perlu dicampur air.

Masih teringat semasa zaman sekolah, saya selalu buat Nescafe ais gelas besar ataupun satu jag. Satu ketika pula suka sangat ice-blended Coffee Bean. Usually Ultimate Mocha atau Vanilla tu yang jadi pilihan. Untuk kopi panas, saya sukakan Secret Recipe's Long Black. Selalunya saya pesan dengan susu panas (steamed milk). Pada pendapat saya, untuk kopi brew macam tu, CBean/Sbucks belum dapat tandingi.

Sekarang berada di Ireland memang satu kelebihan dan kesempatan untuk  penggemar kopi macam saya Sebabnya, di sini SEJUK. Boleh dikatakan sejuk sepanjang tahun, yang membezakan ialah tahap sejuk. Walaupun pada musim panas, sejuknya masih terasa terutamanya waktu petang ke malam (sejuk yang dibawa oleh angin). Jadi di sini kurang risau badan terlebih panas kalau banyak sangat minum kopi. Pilihan kopi di sini banyak. Brand tempatan contohnya Bewley's, Robert Roberts dan Java Republic. Harganya sekitar 2-5 Euro untuk satu pek biasa kopi kisar (ground coffee).
French Press @ Plunger - kopi dicampur dengan air dan dibiarkan  3-4 minit, ditapis ('plunge' / tekan ke bawah), dan kopi  brew siap!
Saya menggunakan kaedah french press @ plunger untuk membuat kopi, di mana harganya murah dan dapat menghasilkan kopi yang sedap & berkualiti. Espresso machine mahal dan di luar bajet. Mungkin akan cuba 'moka pot' pula, yang mana boleh digunakan atas dapur (hot plate) dan mampu hasilkan kopi berkualiti seperti espresso. Selalunya guna kopi kisar dalam pek. Kalau beli biji kopi dan kisar sendiri lebih baik, tapi leceh pula - belum cuba lagi.

Biasanya saya minum kopi mesti dicampur dengan susu panas atau sejuk, bersama gula merah 'demerara' (brown sugar). Pada pengalaman saya, kelebihan nyata kopi brew berbanding dengan segera/instant ialah bila kopi dicampur susu. Kopi segera setakat yang saya pernah cuba, belum dapat kalahkan kopi brew kalau dicampur dengan susu. Cuma, yang agak peliknya, kopi segera ni sesuai kalau nak hasilkan 'espresso latte'. Rasanya lebih kurang sama dengan yang dibuat dengan menggunakan espresso machine.  Kadang-kadang saya campur kopi dengan Coffeemate - memang sedap & lemak, mampu tutup kelemahan/rasa-kurang-sedap yang ada dalam sesuatu jenis kopi. Ada hari-harinya, saya minum kopi-O sahaja.
Robert Roberts Colombian ground coffee (kopi kisar) - sangat dianjurkan (highly recommended) terutamanya kepada sesiapa yang baru mencuba kopi
Sekarang ni Robert Roberts' Colombian yang jadi kegemaran no.1 - rasanya memang sedap, tidak terlalu 'strong' dan boleh minum berkali-kali. rasa pahitnya pun sedikit sahaja. Masih ada sedikit Bewley's standard - rasanya sederhana / boleh tahan - dapat percuma sekali dengan french press baru (french press sebelum ni retak). Juga, Robert Roberts' Java - sedap tapi 'too strong' kalau nak minum selalu. Mula-mula dulu try Tesco's Italian, Espresso, Original dan French - semua boleh dikatakan sedap dan very-acceptable walaupun harga murah. Pernah juga cuba Java Republic's Mocha Cento - memang sedap dan nak beli lagi.
Kopi kisar @ ground coffee. Kalau lebih rajin, beli biji kopi yang telah dipanggang &  kisar sendiri di rumah (saya sendiri pun tak buat sebab agak melecehkan)
Bila dah boleh brew sendiri kopi di rumah, dapat jimat duit juga - tak perlu nak beli kopi di kedai/kafe kecuali untuk kopi berkualiti espresso (sebab mesinnya belum mampu dimiliki).

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Intro to blog

HGUC Sinanju - currently the best in HG 1/144 series
Welcome to my blog :).

I've heard the word 'Gundam' during my teenage years, but only during 2005/2006 that I gained my interest about it. It started when I bought two non-grade 1/144 SEED model kits for my nephew's birthday (Strike Freedom & Blaze Zaku Phantom) plus one for myself , a non-grade 1/144 Saviour Gundam). Back home, I'm amazed at how accurate the pieces when assembled together and how accurate the stickers when applied. The accurateness really impress me. Then continuing with the old Gundam Wing 1/144 series and Endless Waltz HG line. Finally, the time has come to step up starting with HG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam.
HG00 Qan[T]
While doing all these model kits, I surfed the internet to check out background, details and storyline of the Gundams. Which got me into the anime itself. I favour SEED, 00 and Unicorn series. SEED is my top favourite as I am familiar with the background and technology: I found it to be a nice combination of real world & fiction sciences, e.g. Phase Shift Armor, requirement of flight unit/pack for sustained flight. I remember back then during my university days: my best friend watch Gundam SEED on my PC (I remember most the scene where Launcher Strike run out of power during the desert battle). At that time, I don't have any interest in it, preferring much Star Wars over anything else. The alternatives: Gundam 00 for its futuristic, fresh and fast-paced elements, while Gundam Unicorn is detailed, elegant and established. 
HG SEED Destiny
Note that all but one of my Gundam collection is in 1/144 scale. The odd one is MG F91 (which I don't really like, I feel that the quality is not so good, fragile and doesn't feel solid). To date, I prefer 1/144 scale over everything else - and feel very very lucky with the latest release of Real Grade Aile Strike Gundam. Generally, I like miniatures, and do collect some Star Wars Titanium Series, Hot Wheels, Micro Machines etc. 
HGUC Unicorn
Currently I have collected almost all HG in the SEED/Destiny/Stargazer series. My favorites: Strike Noir, Verde Buster, Blu Duel, Legend and Shiranui Akatsuki. HG00 favourites: Exia, 00 (without Raiser), Qan[T]. Unicorn favorites: HGUC Unicorn (both mode), Loto, and Sinanju. Note the HGUC lines is really impressive, and the quality, detail & articulation surpass the other HG lines. 
My gunpla technique involve straight build, some paint/touch-up using Gundam Marker and panel-lining. No-serious painting involved. Usually I will paint first parts which are difficult to paint after assembly such as the eyes/sensors and the internal section (to improve depth, as if the armor consist of two-parts). I like to put some decals too: the Gundam looks nicer with them. For transparent parts which has become the trend for HG00, I'm using permanent marker to paint the inside of the clear part. Also, using gold & silver paint marker for hydraulic pipes and other suitable parts.
HG00 Exia Avalanche Dash
You will notice that most of my model kits have nub marks & excessive paint which can be an eyesore to viewers - I usually trim/clean-up those down much much later when I have proper & extra-free time. Very difficult nowadays when having kids around - kids safety is top priority. That is also one of the reason why top coat is not an option (beside cost and proper ventilation space). To date I have only experiment top coat (matte) to HG 1/144 Blitz (the result is excellent) and HG Verde Buster (quite a failure, due to spraying in low-temperature environment (rain)), plus a few parts such as beam rifles etc.

More about Gundam models in my next post :)

Monday, 9 May 2011

Qan [T] HG00 1/144

    Front view
Qan[T], successor to 00/+Raiser. New twin-drive design (one GN drive in main body and another one in the shield binder. The overall design is quite simple, not-bulky and unique. Main feature: 7-transparent green GN-bit/blades, with 6 of them can be mounted on the shield or can be combined with the main sword to form Buster Rifle or Buster Sword. Good that the chest GN condenser design returns (which the 00 don't have). 

Rear view
GN shield with 6-GN bits attached. A GN drive is hidden underneath.
Even though Qan[T] have very short screen time in the anime movie (especially the lack of combat between mobile suits), the model kit is worth getting. Excellent gunpla quality & excellent articulation (as good as Exia and 00 Gundam). One thing to criticize: the GN drive section for both in body & shield is just dark-green stickers - no clear plastic parts :/

As usual, some touch-up using gundam markers. For panel lining, I'm using grey Gundam Marker for bright-colored parts (e.g. white, red), and black for dark-colored parts (e.g. grey, blue). I'm using different approach for the eyes/sensor part since the part came in transparent color: instead of painting on top of it, this time painted with green permanent marker on the inside (just like my usual practice for all GN-condensers for 00 series). Done this before with MG F91, but never before with 1/144 models. When properly angled/positioned with torchlight/LED, the eyes light up :). Considering to put LED lighting inside :)

Buster sword mode
Buster sword mode: 6-remote blades combine with the main GN-Sword. Not shown in the anime. The hand able to hold it despite of the weight.  

Buster rifle mode
Buster rifle mode - function as buster cannon/rifle & 'raiser-sword' mode. Shown in the anime.
Quantum system activated
Both GN drive connect in series configuration. Quite difficult to get 100% accurate connection.
Quantum system mode, some kind of higher-level communication - sort of hyper-broadband ;) . In the anime, some armors detached, GN condensers extend-out/jut-out, feet detached, and the chest GN condenser extend-out. Note that the 6-GN bits can be arranged to produce intense GN field for teleportation device. Read more at:

Conclusion: a very nice model kit. Highly recommended :)